
English Buccaneers for B&P

New week, and more little dudes have been painted (no dudettes, sadly). This time, it's still Blood & Plunder, but a new nation, the English. Specifically English Buccaneers (sailors, basically). It's not a large force, but still a significant milestone for me. More about that after the pretty pictures.

First of, the commander. He's been around for some time, he was infact among the 3 first models I painted for Blood & Plunder, as a test. I like how it turned out, so these models have stuck around.

I now realise that I need to touch up his base. Or I'll just paint a new commander, since I have a slightly different sculpt (from the kickstarter) that will be painted up sooner or later.

The first English unit, the ubiquitous Freebooters (so far, they're Core Units in all English forces).

 They're generalists in a true sense of the word. They're capable sailors, good shooters at both short and long range with a long barreled buccaneer gun, and a pistol, not completely useless in melee combat, and, as all english units, surprisingly tough both on a model and unit basis.

The other new unit, English Sea Dogs.

Sailors, artillerymen and brawlers. They can be useful either manning the sails on your ships (well, being on the ship and free to man the sails when necessary, the way the rules work), man any artillery that's around and keep up a lethal rate of fire, or they can just get stuck in in melee and cut down their enemies that way. They're cheap, equiped with only a pistol and sword/axe/knive/random melee weapon, not quite as lethal as other nations sailors, but the comparison to Bulldogs are apt, they're resilient like few others (as all englishmen are).

As with the french sailors from last week, I was a bit limited in models, and these will be the core of two units of Sea Dogs, not all in the same unit (unless I need to).

Add in the Les Enfants Perdue from last week, (they work just as well as English Forlorn Hope, the models are exactly the same), and one gets a nice little force (potentially Barnard Speidryke and his 18 seamen against de Pardal?)

Now, how is these few models a milestone for me? Because I now have the models to field at least 100 points worth of models for all Sailing factions, which means I can run demo games and let people choose their force reasonably freely (they're still limited to sailors, but can at least try out whichever nation they think they'll like). This is a very good thing, since it seems that this game is about to take off around here.

The "standard" lists I can now provide:

Spanish Guarda Costa:
Experienced Guarda Costa Commander
8 Milicianos
5 Marineros
5 Marineros
4 Lanceros

English Buccaneers:
Untested Buccaneer Commander
8 Freebooters
4 Forlorn Hope
6 Sea Dogs

French Buccaneers:
Untested Buccaneer Commander
8 Flibustier
5 Boucanier
4 Marins

Brethren of the Coast (unaligned):
Untested Buccaneer Commander
4 Flibustiers
5 Freebooters
4 Les Enfants Perdus
5 [Marins/Marineros/Sea Dogs] (Since all sailors cost the same, and I've gleefully mixed models, the choice is up to whomever plays them)

Logwood Cutters (also Unaligned, nominally "militia")
Untested Commander
4 Flibustiers
4 Flibustiers
6 Freebooters
4 [Marins/Marineros/Sea Dogs] (once more, choice is up to the player)

I would have to butcher the French and English Forces to provide models for the Unaligned, so I can't (yet) provide any and all matchups. But as long as I'm the other player, one side will be the Spanish, reducing that problem (I really like how the Spanish work, and will try to work out their itty bitty details before going on to the next force).

/Fool out, time to up the frenchmen

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