
SAGA Age of Chivalry English

 I should know better than to launch a load of big projects at the same time. Well, at least one of them's finally been "finished" (not quite, as always with me, but good enough to showcase at least). It did of course grow in the making. I am nothing if not consistently expansive. Anyway, some English (or "goddamns", as the French called them)

The English were initially intended as small secondary force against my main French force for Blood & Crowns, as well as SAGA Age of Chivalry. I should have known... this now compromises 10 points in SAGA, and god only knows how much for B&C.

First up is the big cheese (or perhaps the big fish), the Warlord/Noble leading this rabble. All the figures are mounted on individual 20x20mm bases, saboted into a bigger base for SAGA (but detached for B&C). Do note how he's also gotten an extra big flag, to make it a bit special (despite just being a George Cross).

If the Warlord's the big fish, these has to be the chips. The Men-at-Arms, in plate armor and with a variety of can openers (and some banners, because it's not a late medieval army if there's not a plethora of waving flags). The sharp eyed might notice that one of them has the same heraldry as the warlord. I might have gotten ideas for a new warlord after already having painted one. Which then got degraded to some kind of secondary hero (depending on what options will be available in Age of Chivalry).

And then there is the mainstay of the English. Ranks upon ranks (upon ranks, upon ranks...) of Longbowmen behind stakes. Age of Chivalry will even have rules for the Stakes, so I had to make some markers (50x25mm bases, so they're easy to transport, and can also allow for some modularity in case other games use different dimensions). Since the Perry kits these are all built from come with the stakes, these were quite simple to make.

And then some more Longbowmen, these in somewhat more skirmishing poses, serving as a bit of an elite (in case I need to make such a distinction).

And next-to-last, some more Longbowmen. Someone suggested that the English needed to be at least tried to be played with 6 SAGA points of archers. And I couldn't resist. These fellows are even more elite than the skirmishers, showcasing some Veterans with access to plate armor (for their legs, at least. Presumably, they want their arms free to work those bows).

For a fun alternative, I also did some mounted archers, carefully painted to correspond to the Veterans as close as possible, as if they had just jumped up on some nearby horses to ride off (English archers were often mounted for rapid movement, only dismounting once in position).

Some of the longbowmen have put back or laid down their bows and grabbed weapons for closer ranges, so if need be, I can field 12 men for melee (or they'll just fit in among the regular archers), giving some modularity.

But that's how I managed to get a full army, and then some, before the book was even released. Now to expand them with some burgundian mercenaries (as normal Warriors, and maybe some Mounted Men-at-Arms) for Blood & Crowns... and maybe so I can use them as Burgundians in Age of Chivalry, too.The "small, secondary" army just keeps growing. Oops?

/Fool Out

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